Over the years, Tower Bridge has won various awards, including for customer service and visitor experience.
Discover our list of accolades below.

Museums + Heritage award shortlist 2024
The Technical Team at Tower Bridge is excited to be shortlisted for 'Team of the Year' at the Museums + Heritage awards 2024.

Green Tourism Gold Award
We are delighted to have been awarded a Gold Award from Green Tourism for our sustainability work at Tower Bridge.
Our outstanding achievement score of 85% is one of the highest that has been achieved in the Green Tourism assessment.

Tripadvisor Best of the Best Award 2023
Tower Bridge has been awarded the Tripadvisor Best of the Best Award for 2023. It ranks as number 7 of all the top attractions in the United Kingdom. Loved by travellers, these are the iconic landmarks you simply have to see to believe.

Visit England Welcome Accolade 2022
Visit England, the national tourism agency, have awarded Tower Bridge with their Welcome Accolade.
Visit England’s Accolades are designed to celebrate excellence within the visitor attraction sector and Tower Bridge continues to maintain its Visitor Attraction Quality Scheme accreditation, scoring 93% in 2021.
Find out more about the award and the other accolade winners on the Visit England website.
"We were impressed with the level of commitment of the Tower Bridge team in implementing a wide range of measures that are improving their business and serving the needs of their customers, and their staff. Achieving a Gold Award with such a high score demonstrates that they are a leader in sustainability - and an ambassador for visitor attractions."
- Andrea Nicholas, Green Tourism CEO

Kids in Museums Manifesto
We've signed up for the Kids in Museums Manifesto, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to being accessible and welcoming for all children, young people and families.

Sandford Award
In 2021, the Tower Bridge learning programme was once again accredited with the Sandford Award for excellence in heritage education. Lasting for five years, the award is determined via a judges' assessment shadowing a school visit, extensive supporting documentation and interviews.
"Tower Bridge educational programmes are of excellent quality, carefully planned to support cross curricular learning, in history, STEAM subjects (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics), computing and literacy, alongside developing transferable skills such as teamwork, creativity and problem solving. Pupils will develop understanding of London’s historical importance as a sea trading port, and how the original Victorian engineering has been adapted to incorporate modern methods of power generation. The experience of standing on the walkways of this iconic London landmark and looking out at the City of London, provides a thrilling memorable learning experience."
- Assessment Judges

Museums + Heritage Award - best shop with a turnover more than £500k
In May 2018, the Tower Bridge shop won the Museums + Heritage Award for ‘Best Shop with a turnover more than £500k’, beating The Hepworth Wakefield Shop, Yorkshire Sculpture Park and British Library in a highly competitive category.
The Tower Bridge shop is located at the south end of the Bridge in the Engine Rooms and is stocked with a range of home-ware, sweets, books and souvenirs.
The Museums + Heritage Awards, now in their 16th year, recognise projects of excellence, innovative and ground-breaking initiatives from galleries and visitor attractions across the UK and overseas.

Institute of Tourist Guiding accreditation
Tower Bridge is proud that each of its Welcome Hosts has received or is working towards the Institute of Tourist Guiding Level 2 Accreditation.
The Institute of Tourist Guiding is the government-approved professional standards and qualifications body for tourist guides. The Institute awards qualifications for tourist guiding in England, Northern Ireland and Jersey, and accredits the training courses and examinations that lead to those qualifications.

UK’s Best Window with a View 2017
After a huge public vote, Tower Bridge has been crowned the UK’s Best Window with a View 2017.
The winning photograph was taken by Adrian, who works here at Tower Bridge. His outstanding photo wowed the judges and voters in the London round, fighting off stiff competition from the likes of the Cutty Sark and St Paul's Cathedral.