The Tower Bridge Cat Trail

Booking information

Time: 9:30 to 18:00 (last entry at 17:00)

Price: Included in your ticket

Location: Throughout the attraction

Guarantee your entry to Tower Bridge by booking your tickets online. 

Book tickets

About The Tower Bridge Cat Trail

Inspired by 'The Tower Bridge Cat' and the characters from the award-winning books, families are invited to complete our new interactive Trail as they make their way through Tower Bridge.

Find the installations throughout the attraction and meet the Bridge Master and his team – Hannah, the Cook, Poppy, the Painter, and Stan, the Stoker, and identical twins Eddie the Engineer and Olly the Oiler – who will all help you to answer key questions about our history and complete many tasks.

Come up, collect and stamp your Apprenticeship Record and become part of Bella’s special Tower Bridge team.

The Tower Bridge Cat Trail

Download the Trail

Take a peek at our Trail and, when visiting, pick up your copy at Tower Bridge's Ticket Office.

Download the Trail

Front cover of the Tower Bridge Cat book

Discover the books

Written by local author Tee Dobinson and illustrated by Steve Cox, award-winning 'The Tower Bridge Cat' book series follows Bella, Tower Bridge's fictional cat, who goes on adventures in and around the landmark.

What out visitors say

"The Cat Trail was very good, and accessible for all!"

"It was a lovely day. My daughter is autistic and she enjoyed very much. The Cat Trail was amazing and kept her entertained the whole time!"

"The Tower Bridge Cat Trail was a lovely surprise and all my children enjoyed it."