Facilitated School Visits to Tower Bridge

Thank you for booking a visit to Tower Bridge led by members of our Learning Team. We are looking forward to welcoming you.

On the day of your trip, please meet us at Tower Bridge Engine Rooms on the south side of the Bridge promptly at 10:30 – see the map below. Do not come to the Ticket Office. 

When you arrive at the Engine Rooms, show your booking email to the member of staff on the door at the Engine Rooms. They will radio the Learning Team, who will come and meet you. You can show your booking email on your phone, so no need to print it out.

Map of the area surrounding Tower Bridge with the Engine Room entrance marked


Plan your visit and make the most of your day with our answers to your frequently asked questions.

What if we are running late on the day?

If for any reason you are running late, please let the Learning Team know by calling 020 7940 8397 or emailing learning@towerbridge.org.uk

Please note that significantly late arrivals will result in shorter sessions.

What is the schedule for the day?

Timetable for one class only

Please aim to arrive at the Engine Rooms promptly at 10:30am.

  • 10:30 Arrival and split into two groups.
  • 10:30-12:00 One group has a guided tour of Tower Bridge and the Engine Rooms. The other group has a workshop in the Learning Space.
  • 12:00-12:30 Lunch in the Learning Space.
  • 12:30-14:00 Groups swap over, with one having a workshop, the other a guided tour.
  • 14:00 Depart.

Timetable for two classes

  • If you have booked a workshop and tour for 60 KS1 children, the timetable will follow the same format as the one above, although the children will have a staggered lunch in the Learning Space (class 1 between 11:45 and 12:15 and class 2 between 12:15 and 12:45).
  • If you have booked a workshop and tour for 60 KS2 children, the timetable will be the same as the one above, with one class having lunch in the Learning Space, the other class having lunch in the Bridge Master’s Learning Centre.

If you have booked a Guided Tour only

  • 10:30-12:00 Morning Tours
  • 12:30-14:00 Afternoon Tours

I have booked a guided tour only. Is there anywhere to eat lunch inside Tower Bridge?

Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate lunches when a tour has been booked without a workshop. In fine weather, there is space to picnic in Potters Fields Park next door to Tower Bridge.

How do I pay for my trip and when do I need to pay by?

Please pay for your trip by clicking the payment link on the email confirmation you received when you booked your visit. We accept credit cards only. Please note that we do not accept cheques or BACS payments. Payment for your visit must be made at least four weeks in advance of your trip taking place. Your trip is not fully confirmed until we have received payment and cannot go ahead without it.

Am I allowed to bring adult helpers for free?

Yes, you are allowed to bring free adult helpers in line with recommended Key Stage ratios:

  • KS1: one free adult to every six children
  • KS2: one free adult to every 10 children
  • KS3: one free adult to every 15 children

One-to-one helpers are also free of charge.

Additional adults beyond these ratios will need to pay for a discounted adult ticket at £9.80 each. Please note that our Learning Space can only hold a maximum of 40 people, including adults and children, therefore we may not be able to accept bookings for large numbers of extra adults.

What if I need help with funds for my school trip?

If your school is in Greater London and meets the criteria, you may be eligible for a grant of up to £300 from the School Visits Fund. State-maintained schools with a pupil premium rate of 35% or more, SEND schools, Pupil Referral Units and youth organisations can all apply.

How do you cater for children with additional needs?

On your provisional booking form, you will have informed of us of any children in your class who have additional needs. With advance notice, we can provide tools to support their learning such as resources in large print, braille, coloured overlays and visual stories. 

Email us if you wish to discuss any specific needs: learning@towerbridge.org.uk

Where can I download a visual story to prepare children for our trip?

Please follow the links below to download a visual story to help prepare your pupils for their trip to Tower Bridge:

•    Visual story for school pupils - facilitated tour
•    Visual story for school pupils - workshop and tour KS1
•    Visual story for school pupils - workshop and tour KS2


Is Tower Bridge fully accessible?

  • There is lift access to Tower Bridge with two lifts up to the High-Level Walkways. There’s also an external lift to access the Engine Rooms entrance and the Tower Bridge Gift Shop from Bridge level to the Thames footpath level. It is located on the southeast side of the Bridge.
  • Two quiet rooms are located in the South Tower. These rooms are equipped with a sink and a couple of seats. The lights can be dimmed. If not in use, these rooms are locked so please speak to a member of staff if you would like to use one.
  • Accessible toilets are located in the Engine Rooms and on Level 2 of the South Tower.

Please be aware that due to unforeseen circumstances, lifts may be out of order at short notice. We advise you to contact our bookings team via email at bookings@towerbridge.org.uk or by calling 020 7407 9191 between Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Find out more about accessibility at Tower Bridge:

Access for all

Are there any risk assessments available for facilitated workshops and tours?

We encourage teachers to conduct their own risk assessments of Tower Bridge. However, site, tour and workshop risk assessments are available. Please email learning@towerbridge.org.uk to request a copy.

How do I arrange to come to Tower Bridge to conduct my own risk assessment?

Please email the Learning Team on learning@towerbridge.org.uk to book your complimentary ticket, stating your name, school and the date and time you wish to visit. 

Please note, last entry to Tower Bridge is at 17:00.

Is there a lunch room?

If you have booked a tour and a workshop, there is space for your pupils to eat their packed lunches in our Learning Space and Bridge Master’s Learning Centre. 

Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate lunches for groups who have booked a tour only.

Where are the toilets?

There are toilets in the Engine Rooms on the south side of the Bridge for your use when you arrive at Tower Bridge for your session.

 There are also toilets in the South Tower

Accessible toilets can be found in both the South Tower and the Engine Rooms. Please note that these toilets are shared with members of the public and require adult supervision.

Is there a café on site?

There is no café on site at Tower Bridge. Children and adult helpers will need to bring their own lunches and drinks. Once inside Tower Bridge, we cannot let people out at lunchtime to buy lunch or drinks as they will not be able to re-enter the building.

Is there a place to store bags and coats?

We have coat pegs in the Learning Space for children to hang their coats and bags. Please note, the children will have their coats and bags with them for the tour element of their day.

How do I get to Tower Bridge?

Tower Bridge can be accessed by several modes of transport, including bus, train, river boat or tube. For more information visit our Play your Journey page:

Plan your journey